
Drilling Technique to Students' Vocabulary Enhancement: A Case Study at Fastco English Course

Oleh :
Alvi Keanu Arzaq - K2218010 - Fak. KIP

Vocabulary mastery is very important to establish communication and begin to learn four skills of English language learning. There are so many techniques to learn vocabulary and enhance vocabulary skills. Drilling is one of the techniques used in improving English vocabulary skills as focused on this study, another name of this technique is called repetition. The purposes of this study are to: 1) Analyze students’ perceptions on drilling technique, English course and drilling technique at English course, and 2) Investigate the role of the drilling technique on the improvement of students’ vocabulary mastery. The 21 participants consist of 17 junior high school and 4 from senior high school are the participants of this research. This research was conducted at Fastco English Course in Blora which used drilling technique as a teaching and learning activity. The researcher gathered data for this study through English courses, which can also serve as extra study time for students learning English. This study follows a case study design as a research design. The researcher gathered the data through observation, questionnaires, interviews, and analysis
documents from participants. The findings show that: 1) Students responded positively to the drilling technique used in their English course, with questionnaire results indicating scores above 4 for each indicator, and 2) The role of the drilling technique at English course is opposite to the students’ perception. In this findings results of the research did not show significant contribution (pre-test: 67.38 and post-test: 67.85), and as indicated from the interview answers and their statement and reasons.