

The Appropriateness of Living English Video Used as Teaching Media with Tolerance and Politeness Attitude Competence in 2013 Curriculum

Oleh :
Harum Brata Dewati - K2211040 - Sekolah Pascasarjana


The objective of this research is to identify: (1) the materials which are developed in ‘Living English’ video as teaching media; (2) how tolerance and politeness are presented in ‘Living English’ video in relation to attitude competence in 2013 curriculum.
    This research is a descriptive qualitative research.In this research, the researcher uses document analysis as the data collection technique because of the subject of this research is ‘Living English’video published by Emperor Edutainment. The subject is analyzed based on tolerance indicators, politeness attitude according to Brown and Levinson’s theory, and politeness attitude based on Leech’s theory.
    The findings of the research arethe materials of 22nd episode are personal letter and pronoun while the material of 23rd episode is giving advice. From 22nd and 23rd episode, it is known that 3.5% of the data break tolerance indicators, while 96.5% of the data observe the indicators. As many as 97.2% of the data have high level of politeness according to Brown and Levinson’s theory and the rest, 2.8% of data, are low. As many as 5.56% of data have low level of politeness based on Leech’s theoryand  the rest, 94.44% of data, is high.
Theoretical implication of this research is the result of this research can be used as a beginning to analyze further about attitude competence in 2103 curriculum. The result of the research helps enrich pragmatic research. Practical implication of this research is the result can be used by the teacher to consider teaching material that will be used whether it is appropriate with attitude competence or not.

Keywords : Content Analysis, Living English, video, politeness, tolerance, attitude competence, 2013 Curriculum