
An Error Analysis in The Pronunciation of English Vowels by Pre-Service English Teacher in Surakarta

Oleh :
Fatihah Fitri P - K2216025 - Fak. KIP

Fatihah Fitri Palistine. K2216025. An Error Analysis in The Pronunciation of English Vowels by Pre-Service English Teacher in Surakarta. Thesis. Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty, Sebelas Maret University, 2021.

Pronunciation is one of the most significant parts that should be a concern in communicating by using a foreign language. Correct pronunciation leads to more efficient communication while mispronunciations may lead to misunderstanding. The objectives of this research are: (1) to investigate the major errors made by pre-service English teachers in pronouncing English vowels, (2) to investigate the possible sources of those errors by using Error Analysis. A Qualitative descriptive method was used in this research and 20 pre-service teachers were involved as the participants. The data were collected through pronunciation tests and interviews. The result of the study revealed that six vowels (/??/, /?/, /e/, /?/, /3:/, and /e?/) are the major errors made by participants. The sources of the participants’ errors are dominated by interlingual and intralingual transfer. This study can be used by the pre-service teacher to examine the strengths or weaknesses of their pronunciation skills and encourage them to improve. It is beneficial for the lecturer to evaluate their teaching and help them to design remedial lessons and exercises, which can help learner reduce their errors.