
Strategies In Learning English Used by Deaf Students in An Inclusion Class

Oleh :
Katarina Indrayani Listiadi - K2213035 - Fak. KIP

The study is aimed to identify the specific learning strategies used by the students with deafin SMK Marsudirini Marganingsih as on inclusion school in Solo. To get this aim, the researcher involved three students with deaffrom the eleventh grade, one of their classmate, and their English teacher who teaches on eleventh grade of SMK Marsudirini Marganingsih. This research is a case study, using qualitative method. The data were gathered through in-depth interviewed, observation, and document analysis, while the data were analyzed using Interactive Model of Qualitative Data Analysis Technique. The strategy mostly used by the students with deafis social strategies comprising four learning strategies belonging to social strategy: asking clarification, asking correction, cooperating with peers, cooperating with the proficient user of the new language.

Keywords : learning strategy, deaf student, inclusion school, language learning strategy.