Teaching and learning english vocabulary by using pictures to the students of the fourth grade in SD Negeri Krajan 02 Sukoharjo
Oleh :
Riska Susanti - C9306085 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
This final project report was written based on the job training done by the writer as an English teacher in SD Negeri Krajan 02 Sukoharjo. The purposes were to describe the teaching and learning of English vocabulary by using pictures, the problems encountered by the students and the teacher in teaching and learning English vocabulary by using pictures, and to find out the solutions to the problems.
During the job training, the writer had some activities such as observing the condition of the class including the students’ condition. In English teaching and learning English vocabulary by using pictures, the writer used some procedures in order to make the process of teaching and learning English vocabulary effective and successful. The procedures of teaching and learning English vocabulary by using pictures covered greeting, warming up, explanation, exercises, assessment, and ending the lesson.
There were some problems encountered by the students and the teacher. The problems of the students were writing the words and the wrong opinion about English lesson namely English was a difficult lesson. Meanwhile, the problems of the teacher were uncooperative students, and the limited facilities and materials. The writer also presented the solutions to solve the problems such as the teacher showed the pictures while writing the words on the blackboard, gave motivation to the students to be more diligent in English lesson, made the students interested to learning English lesson by giving game, brought some materials. For example she brought pictures and also the teacher asked the students to pay attention to the lesson.