

Keterkaitan Antara Merek Produk, Merek Perusahaan, Merek Pemberi Kerja, Media Sosial, Reputasi Perusahaan dan Niat Untuk Melamar Pekerjaan: (Studi Pada Pencari Kerja di Internship & Career Development Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Sebelas Maret Tahun 2021-2022).

Oleh :
Ikhsan Dwi Anggoro - S412008020 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

Human resources play a crucial role in the corporate world because they have control over other resources. If the corporation lacks competent human resources, its operational activities will not be able to function properly. A person's intention to apply for a job can be influenced by some factors. This research examines the influence of product brand, corporate brand, employer brand, social media, corporate reputation, and the intention to apply for a job. The research is quantitative, and the sampling technique used is convenience sampling with 334 respondents, namely private company job seekers registered at Internship & Career Development, Sebelas Maret University, in 2021–2022. The analysis technique used is partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The research results show that product and corporate brands directly influence the intention to apply for a job through the mediating variable of the employer brand. The findings show that the effect of corporate reputation on the intention to apply for a job is significantly moderated by social media variables. The results of this research have important implications for theory and practice.

Keywords:  - product brand, corporate brand, employer brand, Social media, Human resources, Corporate reputation, intention to apply