
Translating and Editing Kris Descriptions and Making a Bilingual Article at Museum Keris Nusantara

Oleh :
Harizka Resty Utami - B3119021 - Sekolah Vokasi

I did my internship program from February 15th, 2022 to April 15th, 2022 at Museum Kris Nusantara. The objectives of the internship program are fulfilling the graduation requirement and applying knowledge that had been learnt at campus such as translation, speaking, writing, editing, and so on. I conducted main activities and additional activities for my internship. My main activities were translating kris descriptions, editing bilingual kris descriptions, and writing a bilingual article. In translating, I used Nida and Taber’s theory of translation process (1982), and Molina and Albir’s translation techniques (2002). In addition, I found some problems during my main activities, the biggest problem was finding some terms in English to translate Kris descriptions. Sometimes, I could not find them on both online and manual dictionaries. I tried to look for solution for solving the problem. I looked for other sources or references on the internet such as articles on online journal. Meanwhile, my additional activities were being tour guide, helping administration, and joining lecturer’s research.