
Interpersonal Motivation Inside a Digital Game Community of Practice as an Extramural Informal Digital Learning of English Activity:

Oleh :
Ardhian Nur Junitama Achmadi - K2218015 - Fak. KIP

The digital game community was expanding through the COVID-19 pandemic situation. Informal digital learning of English activity studies related to willingness to communicate showed that motivation is one of the affective variables. Studies concerning interpersonal motivation are still scarce. Hence, the objectives of this research are: (1) to explore what kind of interpersonal motivation appears in extramural IDLE activity inside a digital-game community of practice experienced by gamers, and (2) to explore the impacts as members of the digital-game community of practice on the willingness to communicate using English in relation to interpersonal motivation. This research was conducted in informal settings, specifically in the digital environments of the digital game community of practice. The participants were considered active gamers and joined the digital gaming community of practice. This study employed a narrative inquiry approach and gathered data through semi-structured interviews and artifacts collected from participants' community-based activities. The result of this study showed that the interpersonal motivation in willingness to communicate in L2 by MacIntyre et al. (1998) interpersonal purpose: 1) Control (a personal aspect); and 2) Affiliation (a personal characteristic) appeared when participants interacted and communicated inside the digital-game community of practice. Moreover, it showed that joining a digital game community of practice affects participants' willingness to communicate using English in relation to interpersonal motivation.