
An analysis of English Education Preservice Teachers' Technology Integration viewed from the SAMR Model

Oleh :
Nurul Evita Istiqomah - K2218064 - Fak. KIP

Nurul Evita Istiqomah K2218064. AN ANALYSIS OF ENGLISH EDUCATION PRESERVICE TEACHERS' TECHNOLOGY INTEGRATION VIEWED FROM THE SAMR MODEL. Thesis, Surakarta: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Sebelas Maret University, February 2023.

This case study examines how technology is integrated by English education preservice teachers during teaching practicum. The purpose of this study is to answer two research questions as follows, 1) What technology do English Education preservice teachers integrate into their teaching practicum? 2) How do English Education preservice teachers integrate technology into their teaching viewed from SAMR Model? The data were collected from in-depth interviews with three EFL preservice teachers and their teaching artifacts. Data analysis that was conducted using the interactive model revealed eight applications that were frequently used by the participants. There are three main patterns of the application use: to present material, to give an assessment, and to store files (teaching materials or students’ works). Viewed from the SAMR framework, the utilization of technology by the participants was categorized as Substitution and Augmentation.  The Modification and Redefinition categories were not identified. It means preservice teachers' use of technology during teaching practicum serves as a replacement for old technology and does not redesign tasks or rely on technology.