ABSTRAK Electric corporate limited liability State ( PT PLN) one that constitutes one of Effort Body Belong To moving State deep electricity is charged to work stricter and better deep give electric's service to consumer. Besides developing IPTEK who regards to see dammed hell first clientele that progressively elaborate is changed weather and climatic one huging to make working PT PLN two-time stricter deep serves need consumers( customer). PT PLN accentuates production reliability electrify and service quality in order to increase customer satisfaction. To render that thing, need to be endeavored by product quality step-up, process, system, and technology corresponds to requirement that increasingly. In this watch, writer takes title ” Dialings Ministering process New at Electric corporate limited liability State (PT PLN) Ministering area & Surakarta's Network ”. To the effect of observing it is subject to be know happening service process up to do field work Practice at PLN'S Office Service Area & Surakarta's Network and knows happening constraint and effort to settle that constraint This watch utilize qualitative's descriptive method with data source of primary data and secondary data. Data collecting tech is done with studi library, interview and library data that constitutes to methodic subject in observing it. Analisis is data began by gathers data, doing early analysis of acquired data, doing deeper data digging up if apparently deep analyse less visceral, the latest stage which is conclusion pull. PT PLN Surakarta's customer service process utilize SK's guidance PT's board of directors. PLN (Persero) No. 68 .K / 010 / AT r / 2000 dates 26th April 2000 about causative customer action its crescent using up electrifies so be even greater of that necessarily basically gets to be put on by P2TL, General Manager PT PLN (Persero) Unit Carries On Business Java distribution Intermediate and Yogyakarta No. 038.K / 021 / PD.II / 2001 about Area organization formings Customer Services, section 7 on PP No. 18 years 1972 about rights and special or privilege authority and accountabilities at evocation area, transition and prevailing electric power distribution at all Indonesian region. In this case PERUM can be charged and gets to charge bases civil law. In its extant performing constraint which is settlement and laid up archives was optimal because in its performing archives still just worked by an archivist just, preserve and care haven't is equal to since its reducing electronic medium as computer. Therefore, need to be done by medium step-up and pre medium well equipment archives and also ministering supporter equipment.