Analisis kinerja pelayanan rawat inap dan rawat jalan ditinjau dari aspek non finansial pada rumah sakit kasih ibu tahun 2007 - 2008
Oleh :
Ester Melani Sarjono - F3306043 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The purpose of this research is to understand the activity of inpatient and outpatient service at Kasih Ibu Hospital in aspect of non financial and give the information of activity on 2008 as compared to 2007. The aspect are BOR, BTO, LOS, TOI, NDR, GDR, the ratio of serious condition emergency patient with the nurses and the ratio of inpatient with the nurses.
The step of the research is done comparing with the theory and analysis data. This is conduct by comparing the Hospital target with the result have research. The use technique are interview and seeing the Kasih Ibu Hospital notes.
The result of this research are the Kasih Ibu Hospital have the overplus and weakness. The overplus are at BOR, LOS on 2008, TOI, NDR and GDR on 2008. The weakness are actifity at certain month, BTO, the ratio of serious condition emergency patient with the nurses on 2008 than 2007.
The conclusion of this research is the Kasih Ibu Hospital have the BOR, LOS, TOI, NDR and GDR on 2008 better than 2007. As a whole, the quality of service and hospital efficiency of Kasih Ibu Hospital is more advance on 2008.
Based on the result of research, the researcher give some suggestion that the Kasih Ibu Hospital have to be more upgrade the facility and services, up grade the organization in each unit, existence of good communication and cooperation in each unit, To add quantity bed at Hospital, make up the professionality and resources.
Keyword: “ Performance to observe in aspect non financial”