The effectiveness of student teams achievement divisions (STAD) method to teach reading viewed from students motivation (an experimental study in the first year students of SMK 1 Kota Bima NTB in Academic Year 2008/2009)
Oleh :
Hidayat - S890907012 - Sekolah Pascasarjana
This research is aimed at finding out: (1) which one is more effective, STAD or Conventional method to teach reading; (2) which one has better competence in reading, the students having high or low motivations; and (3) whether there is an interaction between methods and students’ motivation in teaching reading.
This research was carried out at SMK1 Kota Bima NTB from April to May 2009. The subject of the research is the first year students. The samples are 1Ak1 students for an experimental group and 1Sec1 for a control group. Cluster random sampling is used to get the sample. In collecting the data, the researcher used questionnaire to know the students’ motivation and reading test to know their competence in reading. Descriptive and inferential analyses are used to analyze the data. Descriptive analysis is used to describe the mean, median, mode, and standard deviation. The normality and homogeneity tests are conducted before inferential analysis is used. To test the hypothesis, ANOVA 2 x 2 is used. H0 is rejected, if Fo is higher than Ft.
The research findings are: (1) STAD is more effective than Conventional method for teaching reading; (2) The students having high motivation have better reading competence than students having low motivation; and (3) There is an interaction effect between methods and students’ motivation for teaching reading
STAD is suitable for students having high motivation and Conventional method is suitable for students having low motivation. It is important for English teacher to select the method which is suitable for high and low motivation students.