Evaluasi sistem akuntansi pembelian bahan pembantu chemical pada pt. Kusumahadi Santosa Surakarta
Oleh :
Nofia Anggrahini - F3306158 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The purpose of this research is to know and evaluate how accounting system of purchasing of indirect material chemical, system of internal control which have been applied, and to know the problem and how to overcome at PT.Kusumahadi Santosa Surakarta.
PT.Kusumahadi Santosa represent one of peripatetic manufacturing business is textile area. This company use the raw material of yarn and indirect material in the form of chemical
Result of research concluded by that accounting system of purchasing of indirect material of chemical at PT.Kusumahadi Santosa have worked well, this is visible from used document, used accountancy note, relevant function, relevant procedure network and internal control elements. The company found by some weakness that is acceptance function which not yet been dissociated with the warehouse function and part of accountancy have the double function that is function of record keeping and operational. Pursuant to existing weakness, raised by suggestion better there is function dissociation of between consignment of goods and part of warehouse and also the existence of dissociation of function of record keeping and operational.
Keywords : Accounting Information System, Inderect Chemical Material