
Ease of Information search and Price Sensitivity in E Shopping

Oleh :
Endah Tri Hastuti Dewayanti - 197105282000032001 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis

This research was conducted to search the answer of how the information search costs reduce or increase consumer’s price sensitivity. Using 2x2x2 design which covers two product types (unique and common) and Price information usability (High and Low), Quality information usability ( High and Low) and Store comparability (High and Low) the experiment involved 80 participants and were conducted in an Indonesian online store setting. The product offered was chocolate, and two hypothetical online stores were employed during the experiment. High price information usability was treated through the price information availability simultaneously with the product offered. Fixed price and discounted price are offered to examine if there is some change of the unit purchased due to the pricing policy by the store. High Quality information usability is treated through the availability of the product ingredients descriptions simultaneously with the product offered. High store comparability is treated through the simultaneous appearance of both stores on the screen. This research shows several empirical evidences. First, the quality information affected the price sensitivity. The second finding was that the price sensitivity was influenced by the interaction of the Quality usability and the store comparability. The reason of this finding was that in the high store comparability, the need to compare the quality information is higher, which in return will increase the price sensitivity. But in the low comparability of the stores, the need to compare the information of quality also decreased accordingly. In average the average product price is not significantly influenced by the price usability, quality usability and store comparability, either for unique or common product type. Neither the unit purchased is influenced by the price usability, quality usability and store comparability. The ease of information does not significantly improve the liking of the consumer’s experience during the electronic shopping. That means either the ease of information is proposed or not, it was not improve or reduce the level of the consumer liking in electronic shopping experience. These findings are important to understand the consumer behaviour when they are on different setting of market. As the tangibility of the product or online retailers decreased, consumer will seeks some other way to justify the benefit of online transactions. Future research may target the experienced respondent and different type of products