The Study was conducted to examine the effect of pricing, product attribute, inconvenience, response to product failure customer retention, and prior knowledge in the switching behavior. Pricing were defined as the perception of the kerosene price and its influence in the consumer intention to switch to LPG. Product attributes were defined as the perception of the level of difference attributed to PG and kerosene. Inconvenience was defined as the level of convenience in utilizing kerosene and LPG. also in acquiring the product. Response to product failure was defined as negative experiences and information concerning the substitute product. Customer retention was defines as the customer intention to keep the substitute product in their daily usage. Prior knowledge was defined as the level of information acquired by the consumer prior to switch.
210 respondents with criteria (1) has intention to switch (2) has followed the socialization about the switching programs were drawn as the research samples. Using purposive sampling methods, the survey was carried out through structured interview, The analysis utilized Structural Equaiton Model to test the hypothesis developed in the research.
The analysis shown that price perception, product attributes, and customer retention were considered important in the consumer intention to switch, Inconvenience and response to product failure were insignificantly affecting the intention to switch. In the condition of high and low, prior knowledge was not found to moderate the effect of response to product failure and inconvenience in the switching decision. In the high prior knowledge, the effect of product attributes and customer retention were moderated. In the low prior knowledge , the effect of price perception , product attribute and customer retention in the switching decision was moderated.
For practical implication, it is suggested htat to encourage the consumer to the new product, some factors need to be done. Socialization, availability guarantee in the long run, the response for safety assurance in utilizing the new product, also the other necessary information needed to convince the benefit of switching to the new product.