

Teacher Professional Development during Covid-19 Pandemic to Strengthen English Teacher Professional Identity

Oleh :
Latifah Fatmawati - S891908016 - Fak. KIP

This research aimed at: 1) understanding the English teachers’ perspective about teacher identity, 2) describing the kinds of teacher professional development have done by the English teachers during the pandemic, and 3) discovering TPDs which strengthen the English teacher identity.

The approach of this research was qualitative research. The research design employed a case study method. The research participants were five English teachers from a private junior high school in Indonesia. A questionnaire and interview were used as the data collection techniques. The data was analyzed using the interactive model by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014), which consists of three successive stages.

The results found that: 1) teacher identity in junior high school constructed by some aspects such as a) teacher learning, b) teacher cognition, c) teacher participation in community practice, d) teacher biographies, and e) teacher emotion; 2) TPD during the pandemic involves: a) TPD based on individual needs, b) communities of learning, c) E-learning activities and d) school-based TPD; and 3) all of four TPDs strengthened teacher identity in every aspects.

After the implementation of TPD during the pandemic, five English teachers became more innovative during online learning, by creating online materials, sharing and giving tasks to the students creatively. The implication of this findings, TPD strengthened the English teacher identity that provided more qualified learning process in the classroom. Therefore, after the pandemic the TPD should be implemented more to gain good teacher identity.