Evaluasi sistem dan prosedur penjualan ekspor pada PT. Mondrian
Oleh :
Joko Priyatno - F3306058 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
This study aims to find out and to understand about how the export sale system is applied by PT. Mondrian so that the strength and weakness of system applied can be known by comparing with the existing theory. The method used in the study was qualitative method, that is, the research method the data source of which constitutes the statement or sentences only.
One way used to evaluate this export sale system was by comparing the existing system with the theoretical foundation of system used, so that we can find out the strength and weakness of system applied in the export sale system by PT. Mondrian. Items evaluated include the related functions, used documents, used accounting records, and procedure links creating the export sale system as well as the internal control system applied in the export sale system of PT. Mondrian.
From the result of evaluation on export sale system, it can be found out that: the company has separated the functions well, has a good authorization system and recording procedure and had used the printed sequence number-document as well as had applied the healthy practices. Nevertheless, there is still a little weakness in the export sale system applied, that is, there is still dualistic function and the company had not used yet the accounting recording constituting the warehouse card and inventory card.
Keyword: sale system and procedure