
Transforming Compliance in Etex Way’s Code of Conduct and Remote Control, Top Panel, & Connection in Owner’s Manual of DVD Mini Hi-Fi Audio Model OL55D into Indonesian

Oleh :
Maria Advensia Eka Puspita - V0120034 - Sekolah Vokasi

This report contains discussions regarding the Student Internship Program (KMM). The program was held at Translation Transfer from January 16th until March 10th, 2023. The primary activity was translating a legal document, Etex’s Code of Conduct, and an electronic document in the form of the owner’s manual of LG’s DVD Mini Hi-Fi Audio Model OL55D. Furthermore, the additional activities were carried out by translating the simple manual of LG’s DVD Mini Hi-Fi Audio Model OL55D, localizing Idle Legions’ game document, and translating subtitles of the TEDxTeen “Breaking the Language Barrier” video. In translating and localizing both primary and additional activities, the writer used Nida and Taber method: analyzing, transferring, and restructuring. The problems the writer encountered were 1) terminology specifically legal and electronic, 2) sentence structures and standards in Indonesian, 3) limited references, particularly sources of the game, and 4) limited duration and space of the subtitles. To resolve the problems, the writer used the internet, such as online dictionaries, parallel texts, and gameplays. The writer also discussed the difficulties with the team and the supervisor, and asked for their advice. The internship taught and gave the writer new knowledge and experiences. The program was a beneficial activity to apply the students’ knowledge and develop their skills in the language industry.