Developing E-Commerce at Banyumas arts CD store based on web
Oleh :
Riezki Fitriani - M3106041 - Fak. MIPA
E-commerce is an activity of purchasing and selling electrically in the
internet network. E-commerce at Banyumas Arts CD store is a web that
provides facilities to sell special product of Banyumas arts. For simplify the
introduce of products, we make a promotion media using web. The purpose of
this final project is to build online CD store e-commerce based on web.
In the prosess of writing this paper, writer apllied observation method and
literature study. Observation study was done by held a research to the object
to get data and information, and also make an interview with the related
people. The transaction process was started with user registration, then
bought the goods until payment process. The system was developed using PHP
and MySQL database.
The result of this research is e-commerce application of Banyumas arts
CD store based on web, can handle online purchasing and selling transaction,
goods management process, user management, transaction, and making
Keyword : e-commerce, performance art, banyumas.