
Penentuan alokasi anggaran pengadaan produk multi-category single-period sebagai upaya meminimasi penumpukan inventory di moveable distro and cloth

Oleh :
Nila Novita - I0303039 - Fak. Teknik

ABSTRAK Moveable Distro and Cloth is one of distroes in Solo that hasn’t had a policy in allocation budget to determine the volume of purchase for each product category. Procurement of product management is still based on intuition without doing the calculation system of data analysis and accurately. It is therefore necessary for an optimization model to plan allocation budget of the product so that optimum solutions. Research on this inventory use multi-category single-period models to process the data. Data obtained from the collection data about the type of product sold in the Moveable Distro and Cloth, price of each product, the basic price (purchase price) for each product, sale price of each product, the penalty cost of each product and the budget for stock products. All of the product in Moveable Distro and Cloth categorized into 7 (seven) categories of products. The data is obtained from average selling price, purchase price, sale price and the penalty cost of each product category. Next we make iterations to determine the optimum size of the order of search for Lagrange multiplier value ranging from 0 to 1. For validation, the size of the purchase cost of product categories compared to the size of the budget which is owned by Moveable distributions and Cloth. Results from the budget allocation of product inventory with multi-category single-period model in Moveable Distro and Cloth is the budget allocation for the T-shirt product that is 28% of the budget Moveable Distro and Cloth, the jacket product of 21%, the trousers and skirt product of 11%, the bags product is 11%, hats and belt products of 10%, aksesories product of 12% and sandals products of 7% of the budget Moveable Distro and Cloth. Keywords: distro information system, procurement budget product, multi-category single-period, the value of Lagrange multiplier. xv + 70 pages; 20 tables; 6 pictures; 51 appendixes References : 12 (1992-2007)