
Pengaruh Pemberian NAA pada Media MS dan WPM dalam Kultur In Vitro Rambutan Binjai (Nephelium lappaceum L.)

Oleh :
Agustina Melani Widyowati - H0719002 - Fak. Pertanian

Rambutan (Nephelium lappaceum L.) harvest period is only once a year and led to the availability cannot be guaranteed from time to time. Rambutan propagation activities can be carried out by in vitro culture, to produce better quality by combination appropriate media and plant growth regulator. This study aims to determine the composition of media and auxine type growth regulator namely NAA. The method used was a completely randomized design which consisted of 2 treatment factors, namely the type of media (MS and WPM) and the concentration of NAA (0; 0,5; 1; and 1,5 ppm ). The results showed that WPM media treatment without the addition of NAA has the best results on the variable number of shoots and leaves. In the variable shoot emergence time, the best results were shown in the MS media with the addition of 1.5 ppm NAA. In the shoot length treatment, the MS media and without NAA addition treatment gave the best results. In 24 experimental units, there were no roots growing at all.