Pemeliharaan asset Glass Door Marchendising (GDM) pada PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) Central Java Semarang
Oleh :
Nandaru Pratama - D1506097 - Fak. ISIP
The purpose of this observation is to know and get real description about the system Breeding Cultivation of Glass Door Marchendising (GDM) Assets on PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) Central Java, Semarang
This end report task are composed basic of experience the writer during follow field work practice at PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) Central Java, Semarang. This end report task have quantity descriptive that use primary and secondary data with way of collect data such as interview, observation, documentation, interpretation, and study books from anysource who have link with lnformation management system on PT. Coca-Cola Bottling Indonesia (CCBI) Central Java, Semarang.
From result data, can take the conclusion that Breeding cultivation Glass Door Marchendising Assets (GDM) is a activity who have purpose to length or increase old value and use value from Glass Door Marchendising (GDM) that can give the profit continually for the company. This Assets have dispersed on all region from cities until villages, that to control this asset is very difficult, So the company need to made special group or agent who have job to cultivation this assets. The cultivation is started from received assets until destroyed assets with routine service. So at last, the consument always can feel the fresh of coca cola in anywhere and anytime without something problem.