
Exploring EFL Pre-Service Teachers’ Intercultural Awareness Through Short-Term Study Abroad Program: A Multimodal Narrative Inquiry

Oleh :
Hilya Auli Asyahidah - K2219035 - Fak. KIP

The objectives of this study are: (1) to identify at what level of EFL pre-service teachers’ intercultural awareness (ICA) who participated in the short-term study abroad program; (2) to explore EFL pre-service teachers’ teaching experiences implementing ICA in the Indonesian EFL classrooms after participating in the short-term study abroad program. The participants of the study were three EFL pre-service teachers participating in the International Indonesian Student Mobility Awards (IISMA) program. This study applied the multimodal narrative inquiry method and gathered the data through semi-structured interviews and artifacts. The study explored EFL pre-service teachers’ intercultural awareness who participated in the short-term study abroad program and implementation of ICA in Indonesian EFL classrooms. During short-term study abroad programs, the EFL pre-service teachers have first-hand experience with culturally different people, both local people and international students in the host country. The first finding, the EFL pre-service teachers reached intercultural awareness. Then the second finding is that the EFL pre-service teachers understood the importance of intercultural awareness competence in dealing with diverse students, especially in Indonesian EFL classrooms. In addition, they also play a role in increasing students' cultural awareness. However, although the EFL pre-service teachers had intercultural awareness competence, they faced difficulties teaching culture in the EFL classroom. These issues require attention from education policymakers, institutions, and teachers themselves.