Pengaruh media cerita dengan kata bergambar terhadap peningkatan penguasaan kosakata pandang siswa berkesulitan belajar membaca kelas II SD Negeri Ponowaren 03 tahun ajaran 2008/2009
Oleh :
Heni Anjar Riyanti - K5104020 - Fak. KIP
Reading is a fundamental thing for each individual to get a quality living. Reading skill is never separated from the vocabulary mastery, for the vocabulary either frequently or rarely viewed or read by the students. The low vocabulary mastery for the vocabulary either frequently or rarely viewed or read by the students with reading disability becomes the background to examine the effect of pictured words-story media on the improvement of students’ visual vocabulary mastery.
The research aims to find out the significance of learning effect using pictured words-story media on the improvement of students’ visual vocabulary mastery in grade II students of SD Negeri 03 Ponowaren in the school years of 2008/2009.
This research employed an experimental method with one group pretest-posttest design. The population of research is the grade II students with reading disability. The sample was taken using purposive sampling, as many as 10 students. Technique of collecting data used was test. Technique of analyzing data used was Wilcoxon Sign Ranks Test.
Based on the result of analysis, it is obtained the Z-statistic value of -2.814, meaning that Ho is not supported while Ha is supported at significance level of 5%. Thus, the hypothesis that “there is an effect of learning using pictured words-story media on the improvement of visual vocabulary mastery in the grade II students with reading disability in SD Negeri Ponowaren 03 in the school years of 2008/200” is significant.