
Pemanfaatan rekam medis dan aspek medikolegal bagi pasien di rumah sakit kasih ibu Surakarta

Oleh :
Kurnia Setianing Hidayah - D1506030 - Fak. ISIP

ABSTRAK In this globalization era requiring an optimal service, Medical Record Unit in Surakarta Kasih Ibu Hospital particularly gives the record of patient treatment functioning as the authentic evidence when it concerns the law problem for patients, physician or hospital. This observation belongs to descriptive one, that is, the observation intended to give data information and detail description. The data source in this observation was the Principal of Medical Record Unit and from brochure, archive, internet, and Medical Record document of Surakarta Kasih Ibu Hospital. The data analysis employed was a descriptive analysis model. From this observation, it can be concluded that the use of Medical Record and Medicolegal aspect for the patients in Surakarta Kasih Ibu Hospital has been consistent with the Regulation of Indonesian Republic Health Minister No. 749a/MenKes / Per / XII/ 1989 Part III Section 14 about the use of medical record. The recommendation that can be given for the Medical Record officers is that there should by training for the medical record officers in order to improve their performance concerning the record of patient’s disease diagnose completely, clearly, accurately and responsible. When there is a malpractice for the patient, the medical record can be used as the authentic evidence.