Shafira Anindita Darma Wijaya, 2023. Translating Academic Article at Badan Perencanaan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Daerah Boyolali, English Diploma Program, Vocational School, Universitas Sebelas Maret.
The following report contains the details of my internship at BP3D Boyolali from 24th January 2023 to 17th March 2023, especially the main activity that I did there. The main activity was translating academic articles about innovation in developed countries. I applied three processes when translating this article, which are analyzing, transferring, and restructuring. In the process of translating, I found some problems related to the text, such as 1) translating technical terms, and 2) translating formal and complex sentences. To resolve those problems, I tried to 1) do some research in Google Search, such as opened the online dictionary and thesaurus, 2) find the parallel text that contains the technical terms, and 3) split or concluded the long sentence. Besides the main activity, I also did several additional activities there, such as proofread, created a video content narration, and made executive summaries.