
Translating Heirloom Captions, Creating Subtitles and Voice-Over for Educational Video at Museum Keris Nusantara

Oleh :
Fauziyah Anisa Sabilah - V0120022 - Sekolah Vokasi

This final report aims to describe offline internship activities at Museum Keris Nusantara which are divided into three activities. My main internship activities were translating heirloom captions from Indonesian to English, creating subtitles and voice-over for a video titled ‘The Differences between Majapahit Kris and Mataram Kris’. When translating the captions, I conducted a text analysis by reading the Source Text to understand the content of the text. Next, I transferred the content from the source language to the target language, followed by the restructuring stage to check the translation results to suit the target language or reader. The last step, I proofread the translation by paying attention to diction and grammar. During translation activity, I encountered several problems. One of them was understanding Javanese terms. To overcome the translation problem, the strategy I used was to do research and look for more references related to krises and spears. Asking the staff of museum who are more familiar with heirloom terms, was also an effective strategy to overcome this problem. Another problem I found when creating the subtitles. I had to abbreviate sentences in the subtitling process, in order to fit the time and word limit which required me to look up synonyms in the KBBI.