
An Inquiry into the Translation of Cultural Terms in a Bilingual (Indonesian-English) Tourism Profile Book ‘Solo Untold Story: Beyond What You See’

Oleh :
Alfina Novi Sulistyo Putri - B0319006 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

Alfina Novi Sulistyo Putri. 2023. An Inquiry into the Translation of Cultural Terms in a Bilingual (Indonesian-English) Tourism Profile Book ‘Solo Untold Story: Beyond What You See’. Undergraduate Thesis. English Department. Faculty of Cultural Sciences. Universitas Sebelas Maret. Surakarta.

This research focuses on the cultural terms and their translation in a bilingual tourism profile book entitled ‘Solo Untold Story: Beyond What You See’. The objective is to categorize the types of cultural terms, to identify the translation techniques used by the translator, and to evaluate how these techniques influence the quality of translation in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability. This research employed a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Purposive sampling techniques were used to select the data and informants, and three methods of data collection were applied, which are content analysis, focus group discussion, and questionnaire. Two raters were engaged as informants to validate the data and assess the accuracy of the translation and three foreign respondents were involved in assessing the acceptability and readability of the translation of cultural terms in a bilingual tourism profile book entitled ‘Solo Untold Story: Beyond What You See’.

The findings of the research reveal that there are 135 cultural terms found in a bilingual tourism profile book entitled ‘Solo Untold Story: Beyond What You See’. The translator employed 15 techniques for translating cultural terms, they are Pure Borrowing, Adaptation, Generalization, Established Equivalent, Discursive Creation, Literal Translation, Particularization, Variant Borrowing, Pure Borrowing + Established Equivalent, Pure Borrowing + Addition, Pure Borrowing + Adaptation, Pure Borrowing + Discursive Creation, Pure Borrowing + Literal Translation, Pure Borrowing + Addition + Established Equivalent, and Variant Borrowing + Addition. The overall average score of the translation quality is 2.07, indicating that the translation of cultural terms found in a bilingual tourism profile book entitled ‘Solo Untold Story: Beyond What You See’ is moderate. The translator has managed to convey the meaning properly, however, there is room for improvement in terms of using more natural language and ensuring better readability for the target readers, especially for the cultural terms that are translated using Pure Borrowing and Variant Borrowing techniques.