
Analysis of Translation of the Tourism E-Booklet Entitled “Surakarta Tourism Profile 2019” Based on the Language Functions of Tourism

Oleh :
Pasca Anindyah Amesthi Sarjana - B0319054 - Fak. Ilmu Budaya

Language Functions in Tourism serve specific functions, including attracting, influencing, and instructing potential tourists which not only required understanding both languages but also translation competencies and cultural sensitivity. The aim of this research is to categorize the types of language functions, identify the translation technique employed by the translator, and investigate the impact of the translation techniques on translation quality in terms of accuracy, acceptability, and readability.

The descriptive qualitative research method was used in this research. Purposive sampling was employed to collect data, which was then analyzed and discussed through content analysis and focus group discussions (FGD). The data used in this study were sentences that contained clear language functions in a bilingual tourism e-booklet.

According to the research findings, the researcher identified five different types of language functions: referential, emotive, referential + emotive, referential + emotive + conative, and referential + conative. This research also identified 19 translation techniques utilized to translate language functions: established equivalent, pure borrowing, implicitation, discursive creation, reduction, explicitation, modulation, paraphrase, transposition, deletion, generalization, literal translation, compensation, adaptation, variant borrowing, addition, particularization, and paraphrase explicitation. The quality assessment shows that the accuracy score is 2.36, acceptability score is 2.35, and readability score is 2.54, indicating that the translation has medium quality. It presents that the translation techniques applied by the translator affecting the translation quality of the tourism e-booklet. The established equivalent technique contributed positively to the successful delivery of the message, whereas the deletion and discursive creation techniques contributed negatively to accuracy, acceptability, and readability. Furthermore, several factors influence the quality of the e-booklet translation: (1) the writer’s lack of information clarity in ST, (2) many specific cultural terms in ST and TT, (3) the translator’s lack of translation skills.