
Aplikasi Biochar dan Pupuk Majemuk NPK terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Beberapa Varietas Kedelai (Glycine max L.)

Oleh :
Bagus Tegar Dipendra - H0719033 - Fak. Pertanian

Soybean (Glycine max L.) is a type of leguminous which is an important crop after rice in supporting national food security, its production level is still low. One of the efforts to increase national soybean production is by applying NPK and Biochar to several soybean varieties. This study aims to examine the effect of combined doses of NPK compound fertilizer and biochar on the growth and yield of three soybean varieties. The research was conducted in Jumapolo Village, Jumapolo District, Karanganyar, Indonesia. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Factorial 3 x 5 x 3 (3 varieties, 5 fertilizers, 3 replications). There were 15 treatment combinations and 45 experimental units. Variables observed included plant height, number of twigs, crown wet weight, crown dry weight, root wet weight, root dry weight, flowering age, harvest age, total number of pods, number of filled pods, pod wet weight, pod dry weight, weight 100 seeds and seed dry weight per plant. Data were analyzed for variance with the 5% level ANOVA test. The results showed that soybean varieties treated with a 
combination of NPK and Biochar at doses of 225 kg/ha NPK and 10 tons/ha Biochar increased growth and yield. Treatment without NPK and Biochar showed the lowest growth and yield of several soybean varieties Soybean (Glycine max L.) is a type of leguminous which is an important crop after rice in supporting national food security, its production level is still low. One of the efforts to increase national soybean production is by applying NPK and Biochar to several soybean varieties. This study aims to examine the effect of combined 
doses of NPK compound fertilizer and biochar on the growth and yield of three soybean varieties. The research was conducted in Jumapolo Village, Jumapolo District, Karanganyar, Indonesia. The design used was a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) Factorial 3 x 5 x 3 (3 varieties, 5 fertilizers, 3 replications). There were 15 treatment combinations and 45 experimental units. Variables observed included plant height, number of twigs, crown wet weight, crown dry weight, root wet weight, root dry weight, flowering age, harvest age, total number of 
pods, number of filled pods, pod wet weight, pod dry weight, weight 100 seeds and seed dry weight per plant. Data were analyzed for variance with the 5% level ANOVA test. The results showed that soybean varieties treated with a combination of NPK and Biochar at doses of 225 kg/ha NPK and 10 tons/ha Biochar increased growth and yield. 
Treatment without NPK and Biochar showed the lowest growth and yield of several soybean varieties