The Dendrobium stockelbuschii orchid is a new species discovered in 2016. This species of orchid comes from West Papua and Papua New Guinea. This study is about the extinction of theoccurs in the orchid Dendrobium stockelbuschii. This needs to be done so that it does not become extinct, this needs to be cultivated. Dendrobium stockelbuschii orchid is a new species, and morphological characterization of this species is necessary. It can be seen that orchids have very little food reserves, therefore the conventional cultivation of orchids has failed a lot, the alternative way is the tissue culture method. This research was conducted at the Plant Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Agriculture, Sebelas Maret University, Surakarta from September 2022 to March 2023. This research was carried out using a Completely Randomized Design (CRD) method.The results showed that giving a combination of kinetin and carrot extract did not provide much interaction with the variables that had been determined. The administration of kinetin had a significant effect on all variables such as time of root emergence, time of shoot emergence, number of roots, number of leaves, plant height, and number of shoots. Giving carrot extract only had a significant effect on the time of root emergence, number of roots, plant height, and number of shoots. The interaction between the two only had a significant effect on the number of leaves and the number of shoots. The results of observations on the anatomy of the leaves and roots have different thicknesses as a result of the treatment of the growing media. (introduction, methods, results, and conclusions).