Evaluasi pengendalian internal terhadap prosedur penerimaan dan pengeluaran kas pada PT. Taspen (persero) cabang Surakarta
Oleh :
Emma Mutiara Rahmawati - F3306135 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
PT. Taspen Branch Surakarta is a company which is works in the field of civil public servant insurance service and has important role in increases prosperity of civil public servant life either in pension period or will enter pension period. Main activity of PT. Taspen Branch Surakarta is receive cash from Head Office of Taspen and gives the cash to the member of taspen. Considering that cash is the easiest asset to be misused hence the company must manage the cash carefully. For the reason, sub-division of cash revenue and expenditure in the company must function can as well as possible to prevent the happening of deviation of the cash. So company requires adequate internal control of cash revenue and expenditure.
The objective of this research is to know whether internal control at PT. Taspen (Persero) Branch Surakarta has adequate? Internal control will be able to be executed with existence of system and accounting procedure which in it covers complete document and print sequence number, document authorization by functionary official and capable employee supported by segregate function and good note of accounting and procedure chain forming system.
From result of research concluded that internal control system applied by PT. Taspen (persero) branch Surakarta have been good. There are still found three weakness that is: (1) Has not existence of sinking fund or small cash fund at PT. Taspen (Persero) branch Surakarta for payment of THT and pension. (2) Has not existence of tight observation to document related to submission of claim. (3) At making of forecasting design and also forecasting in procedure of cash expending based on at expending of cash in the past two year, so if happen less or more difference it is need to be done revision again which could probably cause insincerity and cause un-efficiency and un-effectiveness of company operation.
Based on weakness found, writer gives suggestion which can be made consideration of company to increase internal control system effectiveness which exist before. The suggestions are: (1) Better be formed sinking fund or small cash fund at PT. Taspen (Persero) Branch Surakarta for payment of THT and pension. So not necessarily be performed a correction if the payment is outside forecasting. (2) It’s need to of held a tight observation to document related to submission claims to avoid abuse by irresponsible party (3) Better at making of forecasting design and forecasting in procedure of cash expending really calculated carefully by service section, so if happen less or more difference, it is not necessarily be performed a revision that possibly can cause insincerity, so that efficiency and effectiveness of company operation can be reached.
Keywords : internal control system, revenue expenditure of cash