
Translating A Novel Entitled The 1984 At Anak Hebat Indonesia Publisher

Oleh :
Gracelia Putri Ammelia - V0120028 - Sekolah Vokasi

This final report contains an explanation of my internship activity at Anak Hebat Indonesia Publisher (AHI). My internship activity was from January 16th, 2023, until March 16th, 2023. In this final report, I describe my internship activities, which include translating a novel and conducting reviews. During the translation process, I encountered some translation problems. They were translating a caption, rhyme, lyrics of songs, particular terminologies, similes, and metaphors. To overcome the translation problems, I implemented the translation method of analysis, transfer, and restructuring. I also used several translation techniques to solve the translation problems that I encountered such as literal translation and establish equivalent. I used those techniques to translate the caption and lyrics of songs. I also did a review activity with the editors of Anak Hebat Indonesia publisher before handing my translation over to them. This activity helped me be more careful in ensuring the quality of my translation.