

Oleh :
Suprapto - T841608007 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Suprapto. 2016. East Java Ludruk Aesthetics: Ethnopoetic Studies. Dissertation. Promoter: Prof. Sahid Teguh Widodo, S.S., M.Hum., Ph.D., Co-promoter I: Prof. Dr. Sarwiji Suwandi M. Pd., Co-promoter II: Dr. Nugraheni Eko Wadani, M.Hum. Indonesian Language Education Doctoral Study Program, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Sebelas Maret University Surakarta.

This ludruk research is important as an effort to preserve, explore the aesthetics, and the local wisdom values ??contained therein. Specifically, the aims of this study are: 1) to describe and explain the elements of the East Javanese ludruk play script; 2) describe and explain the aesthetics of language in ludruk East Java songs, 3) describe and explain the value of local wisdom in ludruk East Java.

This research is a research that uses a qualitative descriptive method. Qualitative descriptive methods emphasize ethnographic methods with an ethnopoetic perspective. The data sources in this study were literary works in the form of ludruk scripts, namely Sarib Tambak Oso, Ronggoboyo, Alas Angker, and Kebo Kicak. The data for this research were primary and secondary data which were collected using in-depth interview techniques from informants, literature studies, and documentation. Inspection and validity of the data using triangulation of data sources and theories. The data analysis technique used is structural analysis and interactive model analysis.

 This study concludes that (1) the elements of the ludruk script as story building elements in ludruk from the theme, characterizations, plot, setting, and message have similarities and differences. With the similarities and differences that exist in each story, it adds to the interest and strengthens and clarifies the contents of the story in the ludruk play. (2) The aesthetics of language in the chant makes it more beautiful and full of meaning, that is, there is an aesthetic of form, sound, diction, style of language, and imagery. (3) The local wisdom values ??contained in the story of the ludruk play are: individual moral values ??(good manners, respect and respect, values ??of leadership responsibility, values ??of honesty in acting, values ??of hard work, values ??of self-sacrifice, values ??of fairness and wisdom, values ??of obedience , the value of keeping promises, the value of being humble, the value of patience, and the value of reciprocity), social moral values ??(the value of mutual cooperation caring for the fate of others, the value of giving advice, the value of affection, the value of helping, and the value of deliberation), the value religion (the value of obedience, the value of trustworthiness, the value of being grateful to Allah, the value of repentance and forgiveness), and the value of history