Teaching vocabulary to the 4th grade students in SDN Purwosuman 5 Sidoharjo Sragen
Oleh :
Ari Sulistyowati - C9306009 - Fak. Sastra dan Seni Rupa
The writer writes the final project report based on doing the job training. The final project report discussed teaching vocabulary to the 4th grade students in SDN Purwosuman 5 Sidoharjo Sragen. In writing final project report the writer also collected the data by interviewing the teacher and the students, observing class, and teaching directly in the classroom.
In doing the job training, the writer gave the material from the LKS and followed what the teacher said to the writer. The writer also gave the material such as concrete words (animal, fruit, shape, etc) because their level is the Elementary School.
The final project report also discussed problems and solutions faced by the writer when teaching vocabulary to the 4th grade students in SDN Purwosuman 5 Sidoharjo Sragen.