Defia Novi Rahmadhany. B0319023. 2023. Types and Functions of Taboo Words Found in Kingsman : The Golden Circle (2017) Movie and Their Distribution to The Movie Structure. Thesis : English Department, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.
This study aims to analyze the Types and Functions of Taboo Words Found in Kingsman : The Golden Circle (2017) Movie and Their Distribution to The Movie Structure using Inductive Data Analysis by employing Sociolinguistics Approach. The research method used descriptive qualitative. The location of this research is a movie entitled Kingsman : The Golden Circle (2017), an action spy comedy genre movie which was released on September 20, 2017. The results of the study show that all the nine types and all the six functions of taboo word are found in the movie. The most uttered type of taboo words is Ephitet bexcause it is short but emotive. And the most used function of taboo words is to create attention. The number of taboo words uttered gets drastically increase at the complication stage because there are so many quarrel. This research contributes to the understanding of types and functions of taboo words and their distribution to the movie structure. The implications of this research can be a reference for the next research in a similar topic.