
Norm of Religious Law Delineates Religious Society in Indonesia

Oleh :
Burhanudin Harahap - 196007161985031004 - Fak. Hukum

The purpose of this research is to find the model of religious law norms that reflect the
laws of religions that exist in Indonesia to be realized in a unified national legal system.
It aims to avoid a diverse model of religious interpretation that can lead to conflict
between religious and interfaith people. With the recognition of religious law covering
six religions in Indonesia including Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Hinduism,
Buddhism and Konghuchu are expected to reduce the potential for religious conflicts in
Indonesia. Giving the space where religious people can practice the law based on their
respective religious orders in a united legal system that is recognized nationally is also
the embodiment of the constitutional mandate of the 1945 Constitution, especially Article
29 and Pancasila the first principle of Belief in the One Supreme God. This study is a
socio-legal research, a research location in Jakarta involving six religious leaders and
the Directorate General of Christian, Catholic, Hindu, Buddhist and Konghuchu
Development. The results to be obtained from this study include the existence of an
update to the norms of family law that exist in Indonesia, especially the field of marriage
law that more accommodate the interests of all people who exist in Indonesia.