
Strategi pemasaran ekspor tekstil pada Fa. Asatex Surakarta

Oleh :
Moch Hendra Yuditya - F3106044 -

Fa .ASATEX is one of companies operating in textile sector in Indonesia. In order to find out the procedure a company uses in applying such marketing strategy, this research was conducted aiming to study a good management in marketing to improve the sale volume. The type of research was case study that was then described to represent the marketing strategy to draw a conclusion. Method of collecting data used was observation and free interview to complete the data that has not been obtained from the observation. When the data had been collected, a report was made containing the important parts relating to the export marketing strategy in Fa. ASATEX. From the result of research, it can be concluded that the marketing strategy Fa.ASATEX uses is the marketing mix system. Marketing mix is a combination of a variety of marketing activities, that is, the combination of product, price, distribution channel, and promotion. The company in marketing its product uses many ways, one of which is internet, exactly E-mail. Meanwhile the export destinations currently are United Arab Emirates and Mauritania (South Africa). The product produced by Fa. ASATEX includes TR/PL grey cloth, TR/PL krill cloth, TR/PL print cloth, Moslem fashion, shirt, etc. The weaknesses the company has include the company does not take into account the competitor and good promotion method of textile industry competitors as well as there is no marketing strategy to cope with the competitors. In addition, in undertaking promotion, the company should conduct a research on the effectiveness of promotion method used in order to prevent the lavishness in the promotion cost.