
Evaluasi sistem pemberian kredit pada

Oleh :
Anton Yunianto Setiaji - F3306022 -

The objectives of this research are to know and to evaluate the system of credit supply at PD. BPR Bank Pasar Sukoharjo. Good procedure of credit supply can be done with existence of credit supply system which in it covers related function, document and note of accounting applied, procedure chain forming system and adequate internal control system. From result of evaluation concluded that system of credit supply applied by PD. BPR Bank Pasar Sukoharjo have been good enough and has been supported with adequate internal control system, but there are still some weakness inter-alia, existence of lacking of employee amounts and still less existence of employee who is capable and appropriate to its responsibility. Based on weakness found, writer gives suggestion which can be made as consideration of company to increase system effectiveness. The suggestion are, ought to be done addition of number of employees who is capable and appropriate to its responsibility.