
Teaching and learning present continuous tense for the 5th grader SD Al- Irsyad Surakarta

Oleh :
Kautsar Rizqi Nursyifa - C9306125 -

This Final Project is a report of the job training that had been done on February 2nd until March 28th 2009 in SD Al-Irsyad Surakarta. Based on the title, the purpose of this final project is describing the teaching and learning present continuous tense for the 5th grader of SD Al-Irsyad. The job training is started by doing observation in the first week. The observation involved in school, class, English subject, and students observation. This observation is to know the condition of each part of the school unity. Then in the second week, the writer tried to be a real teacher there. Absolutely, the writer did preparation that was making lesson plan. The lesson plan depends on the handbook, Grow with English published by Yudhistira. Then when presenting the material, the writer did warming up, presenting material or modelling, giving exercise and giving smart game or song. All presenting materials are limited by lesson plan.