The functions and activities of public relations division of “rollover event organizer” in building the good image of the company
Oleh :
Kusmarni - C9306066 -
. English Diploma Program, Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University.
This Final Project Report is written based on the job training done at Rollover Event Organizer, Surakarta within one month from march 1th until April 1th 2009.
The objective of this Final Project Report is to explain and describe the functions and activities of public relations in building the good images of the Rollover Event Organizer. The data of the report were collected through observing and getting involved in the activities of public relations of Rollover Event Organizer; interviewing the people handling the event; and doing library study.
The result shows that the functions of Public Relation in Rollover Event Organizer are: lobbying, understanding what the clients want, dealing with the client’s request, managing the promotions of event, helping management in finding the issues, solving problem, maintaining good cooperation both internal and external relations, building good image of Rollover Event Organizer to the Clients. The activities of Public Relations in Rollover Event Organizer are lobbying with the related parties, analyzing and identifying the situations and conditions, making publicity, organizing the press conference, press party, and media gathering, editing and producing external journal for clients or customers, producing leaflet, booklets, billboards, and street banner, managing company visit from Rollover Event Organizer to the clients, taking a part in every meeting, training the employee, building company social responsibility.
The writer also gave some suggestions to Public Relations Division to be careful in receiving the candidate of the clients and building the home page of the company in World Wide Web.