Mitochondrial DNA Polymorphisms And Fertility In Beef Cattle
Oleh :
Sutarno - - Fak. MIPA
Two regions of mitochondrial DNA, D-loop and ND-5 were characterized using polymerase chain reaction – restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) involving 422 beef cattle of Hereford and composite breeds from Wokalup’s research station. ANOVA models (model I, II) were used to estimate associations between molecular haplotypes and quantitative traits. The phenotypic data used were records on calving rate, defined as the mean number of live calves born over four years, while the genotypic data used were the result of PCR-RFLP analysis in both regions of mitochondrial DNA using 7 restriction enzymes. The results of the present study have provided evidence that mitochondrial polymorphisms in the D-loop and ND-5 regions are associated significantly with fertility. This is the first report of a correlation between mitochondrial polymorphism in D-loop and ND-5 on fertility in beef cattle