
Upaya meningkatkan prestasi belajar akuntansi Siswa kelas xi sma mta surakarta Dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran Berbasis komputer tahun ajaran 2009/2010

Oleh :
Wulandari - K7405117 - Fak. KIP

Wulandari. K7504117. THE ATTEMPT OF IMPROVING THE STUDENTS’ ACCOUNTING LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT IN THE GRADE XI OF SMA MTA SURAKARTA USING THE COMPUTER BASED LEARNING MEDIA IN THE SCHOOL YEAR OF 2009/2010. Thesis: Teacher Training and Education Faculty of Surakarta Sebelas Maret University, August 2009. The objective of research is to (1) find out whether or not the computer based learning media can improve the students’ attention in the grade XI of SMA MTA in the school year of 2009/2010, (2) find out whether or not the computer based learning media can improve the students’ accounting learning motivation in the grade XI of SMA MTA in the school year of 2009/2010, (3) find out whether or not the computer based learning media can improve the students’ accounting learning participation in the grade XI of SMA MTA in the school year of 2009/2010, and (4) find out whether or not the computer based learning media can improve the students’ accounting learning achievement in the grade XI of SMA MTA in the school year of 2009/2010. This research employed a Classroom action research method. The attempt of solving the problem in this classroom action research was conducted in the following steps: (1) planning, (2) acting, (3) observing and (4) reflecting. A series of these activities is called cycle. The data collection was done in four ways: (1) observation, (2) test, (3) documentation, and (4) questionnaire. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that (1) the computer based learning media can improve the students’ attention. It can be seen from the result of observation indicating that there is student’ attention increase from 68.33% in the first cycle to 84.36% in the second cycle. (2) the computer based learning media can improve the students’ motivation. It can be seen from the increased number of students who are motivated to learn from 64.86% in the first cycle to 91.89% in the second cycle, (3) the computer based learning media can improve the students’ participation. It can be seen from the students’ participation increase from 61.35% in the cycle I to 82.2% in the cycle II, and (4) the computer based learning media can improve the students’ accounting learning achievement. It can be seen from the increased class means obtained from the learning achievement test from 7.66 in the cycle I to 7.72 in the cycle II, and the students learning passing classically from 64.86% in the cycle I to 89.19% in the cycle II.