Pengaruh kepemimpinan transformasional pada organizational citizenship behavior dengan kecerdasan emosional sebagai variabel pemediasi (studi pada karyawan pt. Widya duta grafika)
Oleh :
Rasyid Budiman - F0205128 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
This research analyzed the influence of transformational leadership toward organizational citizenship behaviour with emotional intelligence as a mediator.
The data was collected by census technique which was taken from the members of population in this research.The total respondents of this study is 95 respondents and the proper test is 76 respondents of PT. Widya Duta Grafika. With the previous research, it can make a point of view, is there any positive influence from transformational leadership to organizational citizenship behaviour?, is there any positive influence from transformational leadership to emotional intelligence?, is there any positive influence from emotional intelligence to organizational citizenship behaviour?, is that really emotional intelligence can mediated the influence of transformational leadership to organizational citizenship behaviour?
Quantitative analysis that was used in this research using validity test of confirmatory factor analysis within the SPSS 11,5 for windows. To measure a reliability of a construct, this study using a item to tatal corellation and cronbach’s alpha. This study used path analysis to test the hypothesis. The results from path analysis found : transformational leadership have a positive influence with organizational citizenship behaviour, transformational leadership have a negative influence with emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence have a positive influence with organizational citizenship behaviour, and the last one, emotional intelligence will not mediated the influence of transformational leadership to organizational citizenship behavior
Keywords: Transformational Ledership, Emotional Intelligence, and Organizational Citizenship Behaviour