


Oleh :
Firdaus Alfarisi Armilani - A122008005 - Sekolah Pascasarjana

Firdaus Alfarisi Armilani. A122008005. 2023. Development of Esports in Central Java Province. Thesis. Advisor I : Prof. Dr. Sugiyanto. Advisor II : Febriani Fajar Ekawati, S.Pd., M.Or., Ph.D. Study Program in Sport Science, Sebelas Maret University.

This research aims to reveal facts about community development, organizational development, industrial development, as well as the benefits and values ​​contained in Esports (electronic sports) in the mobile legends division in Central Java Province.

This research uses a qualitative research method with a phenomenological approach. The objects of this research are ASKOT ESI Surakarta & Asprov Central Java, EO organizers of Esports competitions in the mobile legends division, and Esports (electronic sports) communities throughout Central Java. Data collection techniques used documentation, observation and interviews with a total of 6 source objects as follows, namely 1 from the parent organization Asprov ESI Central Java, 1 from the parent organization ASKOT ESI Surakarta, 2 from EO mobile Esports (Electronic Sports) organizing the Legends competition, and 2 Mobile Legends Esports (electronic sports) community players. Data analysis techniques use data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions and verification.

The research results show that the development of mobile legends Esports is seen from 4 aspects, namely community, organization, industry and values. The development of the Esports community in Central Java Province has increased as seen from the mobile legends division's Esports (electronic sports) competitions which are always full, even Asprov ESI Central Java takes a lot of time to register the Esports (electronic sports) community. ) mobile legends division in Central Java Province. The Asprov ESI Central Java organization is a new organization that is still pioneering and developing their community by developing skills to take part in events and train together to channel their talents and be able to take part in various tournaments and become athletes through Esports games. The development of business opportunities in the mobile legends Esports game industry can be obtained from being a player, coach, participating in tournaments, organizing events, selling used electronic equipment, becoming a content creator, becoming EO of tournament organizers, and sponsorship. The benefits and values ​​contained in Esports are that it can train the brain, relieve stress, strengthen ties, learn to control emotions, control focus, as entertainment and there are values ​​contained in Esports that have financial value, physical fitness value, health value, and time management value.


Keywords: Esports games, Esports development, Esports industry.