
The Types of Teacher Educator's Feedback and Their Contributions on Female Pre-Service EFL Teacher Students' Self-Efficacy in Writing Process

Oleh :
Susilowati Ningrum Hairiyah - K2219080 - Fak. KIP

This study investigates the types of feedback used by the teacher and their contributions toward female pre-service EFL teachers’ self-efficacy in the writing process. A case study method is used to identify the types of feedback used by teachers and their contributions, and how teacher feedback can help pre-service EFL teachers' self-efficacy in writing. This study's data come from participant writing drafts, interviews, and questionnaires. As seen by the marks, highlights, and comments made on the writing drafts, the results showed that teachers employed both written-direct and written-indirect feedback while working with participants to improve their writing. The contributions that were noted included the following: students understood the importance of feedback, knew what to do with it, and improved their revisions by learning from past mistakes. The feedback given and its value can thus support Bandura's Social Cognitive theory, which holds that feedback and self-efficacy are correlated. Due to their excellent awareness and comprehension of feedback, which allowed them to effectively learn from it. This research implies that written-direct feedback and written-indirect feedback can be given to students in the writing process to help them improve their writing and increase their level of self-efficacy so that the writing process becomes more optimal.Â