

Oleh :
Salwa Aditya Putra - H0717130 - Fak. Pertanian

Sorghum is a cereal plant with broad adaptability, resistant to stress, and suitable for cultivation in Indonesia's dry and challenging lands. The availability of superior varieties in the market is still limited. The use of superior varieties can enhance the cultivation and yield of sorghum. The nutrient availability in the soil can influence the growth and yield of sorghum plants.  This study aims to determine superior varieties during the growth and yield phases of sorghum, understand the influence of compound NPK fertilizer doses during the growth and yield phases of sorghum, and identify the appropriate fertilizer dose to achieve high growth and yield in sorghum. The method employed used was a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with three replications as blocks and two factors. The first factor was sorghum varieties (Black Sorghum, Numbu, Kawali), and the second factor was fertilizer doses (10, 12, 14, and 16 g/plant). Data analysis was conducted using analysis of variance (ANOVA), and if there were significant differences, further testing was carried out using Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT) with a confidence interval of 95%. The results indicated showed that the Numbu variety excelled in plant height, leaf length, fresh stover weight, dry stover weight, stem juice content, panicle weight, and 100-seed weight. Compound NPK fertilizer influenced variables such as leaf count, leaf width, stem diameter, fresh stover weight, panicle fresh weight, panicle weight, and 100-seed weight. A fertilizer dose of 14 g/plant produced the highest results for variables such as leaf count, leaf width, stem diameter, and fresh stover weight. A dose of 10 g/plant excelled in panicle fresh weight. A dose of 12 g/plant excelled in seed weight per panicle, while a dose of 16 g/plant excelled in 100-seed weight. The interaction between varieties and compound NPK occurs on sorghum yield in the variable of seed weight at panicle