Kholishotun Nifa. 2024. Development of Digital Marketing Training Program via Zoom Application to Improve Promotional Skills for Tourism Village Managers in Dander district of Bojonegoro. Thesis. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Sunardi, M. Sc. CoSupervisor: Abdul Haris Setiawan, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph. D. Master's Program in Educational Technology, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta.
Training is a non-formal education program, according to article 26 of the Act No.20 of 2003 Paragraph 5 of the National Education System stated that courses and training are organized for the society that requires the provision of knowledge, skills, life skills, and attitudes to develop a profession, work, self-employment, or continue higher education convulsions. The research aims to: 1) identify the needs of the tourist village manager training program, 2) identify validity of the digital marketing training program via the zoom application, and 3) identify effectiveness of the Digital Marketing training program through the Zoom application for the tourism village manager to improve their promotion skill.
This research and development will use the ADDIE development model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). The research involved training program experts, material experts, media experts, practitioners and 20 tourist village managers as participants in digital marketing training. Pretest and Postest tests on promotion skills through google forms are used to test the effectiveness of this training program.
At the preliminary stage of data taken from interviews and documentation, the product development stage makes the Training Implementation Plan (RPP) then makes the training material presented through the e-Module. Next, the test stage involves validation of the training program expert with an average score of 3.7, the material expert 3.6, the media expert 3.4 as well as the outcome practitioner is appropriate and qualified. T-Test Paired sample For Means showed that t counts greater than t tables were rejected, so there was a significant difference in the participants' learning outcomes of 15.80771 as opposed to t of 2.100922. 20 training participants had improved their promotion skills. The pre-test and post-test evaluation averages rose from 11,631 to 16,84211. The digital marketing training program via the zoom application needs to be further developed so that it can be improved and used for other institutions.
Keywords: Digital marketing, Promotions, Training Program