Perceived Organizational Support (pos) sebagai variabel pemediasi pengaruh praktik pengembangan karir pada turnover intention (studi pada perawat Rumah Sakit dr. Oen Surakarta)
Oleh :
Andari Fitri Any Budi Astuti - F0205033 - Fak. Ekonomi dan Bisnis
The objective of research is to examine about the effect of career development practices consisting of organizational reward, career development opportunity, supervisor support and internal promotion on turnover intention mediated by perceived organizational support (POS). The problem statements that will be studied are does organizational reward affect negatively directly the turnover intention, does supervisor support affect negatively directly the turnover, does internal promotion affect negatively directly the turnover intention, does POS mediate the effect of organizational reward on the turnover intention, does POS mediate the effect of career development opportunity on the turnover intention, does POS mediate the effect of supervisor support on the turnover intention, and does POS mediate the effect of internal promotion on the turnover intention.
The sample of research is the nurses of Surakarta dr. Oen Hospital. The sampling technique employed was simple random sampling technique. The analysis instrument used for testing the model was SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) method with AMOS version 4.01 program.
The result of structural analysis model shows that organizational reward, career development opportunity, supervisor support and internal promotion does not affect negatively directly the turnover intention and POS mediates the effect of organizational reward, career development opportunity, supervisor support, and internal promotion on turnover intention completely.
The conclusion obtained is that from the eight hypotheses proposed in fact there are four unsupported hypothesis. Without support, attention and care from the organization to the nurses’ contribution and welfare, the career development practice provided by the organization will not reduce the turnover intention.