Fitriana Auliawati. (2024). “SPEECH ACTS ANALYSIS OF TEACHER'S TALK IN ENGLISH CLASS BY USING FLANDER’S INTERACTION ANALYSIS CATEGORIES SYSTEM (FIACS): A CASE STUDY AT ONE OF STATE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL IN KARTASURA”. Surakarta: English Education Study Program. Faculty of Education and Teacher Training. Sebelas Maret University. First supervisor: Dra. Dewi Rochsantiningsih,M.Ed., Ph.D. Second supervisor: Dr. Sri Haryati, S.Pd., M.Pd.
Teacher’s talk is one of the most crucial methods implemented by teachers to maintain classroom interactions with their students. Moreover, by looking at it with speech acts perspective, it can be known what teachers try to convey to their students. This study aims to ; (1) explore the types of teacher’s talk used in English class at second year of one of the senior high school in Kartasura based on Flander’s Interaction Analysis Categories System (FIACS). (2) identify the context of speech acts that used by teachers in English class at the second year of one of the senior high school in Kartasura Kartasura based on Flander’s Interaction Analysis Categories System (FIACS).
This study implemented a qualitative case study methods analysis. The data from this study was collected from classroom interactions of EFL teachers at one of senior high school at Kartasura. The data were collected by observation, interview, transcribing the recording, and artifact documents. The result indicates that; EFL teachers at one of the senior high school in Kartasura both T1 and T2 were used all indicators of Flander’s teacher’s talk, consisting of lecturing (23 data), Criticizing or justifying authority (16 data), Giving directions (25 data), Asking questions (45 data), Accepting feelings (5 data), Accepting Ideas (12 data), and Praise or Encouraging (22 data). While, for the context of speech acts found that the teacher’s talk used to convey the learning material clearly by maintaining the student's enthusiasm to actively participate in the class. By correlating both dominant data, the researcher found the reason that EFL teachers at one of the senior high school in Kartasura frequently used asking questions because at the senior high school where they teach using the all-new curriculum made the teacher’s role just as a facilitator and the students have to be active for providing the learning material. The researcher suggests that to convey the learning material clearly, teachers should consider interesting features to make their students actively participate to understand better the material they learned in the class.